Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cali Day 3- the day we got run out of a Travelodge

We were really looking forward to a slower day which haha, was a pretty funny idea that we ever really thought that was going to happen!  Our day managed to be as jam-packed as the past few.  We spent the morning and early afternoon at the hospital getting Al's abdominal MRI done and Max's ultrasound and various bloodwork and tests done.  Then just when we getting ready to have a quieter afternoon, it turns out there was some problem with our accommodation booking and our fancy travelodge kicked us out!  Never a good sign when you get booted out of a motel!  My mom found out while we were still at the hospital and texted and said we had a huge problem with the hotel and I wrote back 'did you find a mouse'? (which if you had seen where we were staying you would realize this was a very reasonable question!) and she replied with 'I wish!'  Haha, I knew we were in trouble if my mom was wishing she was dealing with a mouse instead!

So suddenly we had tons of suitcases, a dialysis machine and medical supplies and two toddlers and nowhere to go! Thankfully, as always God provided and our accommodations director at the hospital managed to find rooms for us at a much nicer place and they even waived most of the cost! So although it caused for a busy and stressful afternoon, we are settled in and much more comfortable tonight as I suppose good came from it all. 

Our day was less emotional since we didn't get any new information or news so it was nice to have a day just to digest the past couple and start to sort through everything.  Tomorrow we go to clinic for Max to meet the doctors and surgeons (who of course we are not meeting since we already know them well... but it is their first time to meet Max properly and discuss him with us).  We should have more results back and it will be a chance to pull all the different recommedations and information together and talk more holistically about Max's care and the plans for transplanting.  We will also meet with social work and Al will get some more evaluation for being Max's donor.  We also hope to have some information from Addie's biopsy.  It will be an important day and a big finale to our week.  We may not necessarily leave with a final decision or answer but I think we will certainly feel more sense of direction.  We would appreciate more prayers for wisdom and strength for these conversations and decisions. 

I am extra thankful tonight that it is Wednesday now and that in only 48 hours I will have picked up Hannah from the airport and instead of rushing around and thinking about all these big things, I will be enjoying laughing and catching up with my best friend.  The light at the end of this stressful week is shining brightly!

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